Thursday, 13 June 2013

Modern Synthesis

Venus flytrap has evolved from other carnivorous plants. After a DNA analysis performed by Ken Cameron of the University of Wisconsin, it has been confirmed that Venus flytrap and waterwheel plant are related. This means Venus flytrap, a snap-trap plant, has evolved from sticky-trap plants. The sticky-trap plants must have at first started adapting by moving its tentacles and leaves to increase the chance of sticking a passing insect. Next it sped up how quickly it detected the prey and responded. Then, it must have become selective so it only traps live insects. Finally, it must have evolved its tentacles into sensory hairs and teeth that detect and wrap around the insects, and also losing its sticky glands and growing new digestive glands capable of digesting the insects. This is all so that the plant can get more nutrients by capturing bigger insects.

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